This game is an absolute blast, hard as hell, but incredibly fun.

LOLK functions a bit differently to most touhou games, instead of expecting a full run with out ever game overing, the game instead has frequent checkpoints throughout the stages and bosses letting you retry as many times as you wish. The catch of course being the fact that this game is HARD, like really hard, and it expects you to match it. The game does have a classic mode of course, the issue is the games difficulty wasn't rebalanced to match it. making it without question one of the hardest ways to play a touhou game.

As for the aesthetics well, its a touhou game, the art is visually quirky and charming as always and the music? the music is absolutely mind melting. the stage 5 and extra stage themes being top of their class and Junko's stage and boss themes match beautifully to give some real atmosphere to the desolate moon lake.

Overall probably one of my favorite touhous so far.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2022
