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(!)Review is mostly copy-pasted straight from Twitter
(!)I only played the Hero route

Very fun! I've missed this late 2000s early 2010s style of kinda gritty superhero games. Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, Prototype, this etc.

Actually going into the game:
Now I'll be the first to admit, that I really did not like Zeke all that much. I think(?) he's a fan favorite and maybe the later games do him better, but yeah as for the first entry in the series he was whatever. Didn't care abt him too much lmao

Actually now that i think about it, I didn't really care about any of the characters all too much. Even Cole. Idk, I've definitely seen better video game portags, but who knows? Maybe Infamous 2 does them characters better 🤷‍♀️ I'll see when I get there

The only character that I kinda did like was Trish, but idk her writing seemed pretty off once you get to the Warren. She just kinda forgives Cole for everything pretty much and it seems way too fan fiction-y I guess??? Like it felt like she was saying exactly what Cole wanted her to say (Altho, this is probably very different in the Infamous route but still) hopefully Infamous 2 does some of these characters better, I'll see when I get there

The ending twist with Kessler was insane tho, plus that setup for the sequel 🔥🔥🔥

Alright, talkin about gameplay now:

Hella fun, the parkour was buttery smooth most of the time and just snapping from object to object was 👌👌👌 Ive already played Second Son a couple years back and MAAAN do they downplay the parkour by a lot in that game

The combat can become a behind cover, over the shoulders shooter à la Gears of War, but I think Infamous is definitely the most fun when you're actively running around shooting people and dodge rolling out of the way and shit

The enemies also have some of the coolest designs I've seen in a video game to date, ESPECIALLY that First Sons Aura Conduit. Holy shit, this mf jumpscared me when he first showed up

Only kinda exception to this are the Dust Men. While they have cool designs and are super satisfying to hit, they kinda blend in a bit too much with the background of the Warren, as this was still in the era of games where everything was washed out browns and grays

Overall, fantastic game. Its just severely SEVERELY in need of a rerelease by Sucker Punch and Sony. I'm fortunate enough to still have a working PS3 in 2022, but others aren't so lucky

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
