All looks, no substance is the best way to describe this game. It's gorgeous looking, specially Hogwarts, the ambience is perfect! But everything else either mid or bad.
Nothing meaningful happens in 80% of the main story, it basically starts at the end, the side missions are boring, the combat is ok against 2 enemies max but beyond that the combat flow gets really wonky, the menus suck major ass and are super slow, the characters are super boring and the only students that match their respective houses are your 3 companions, the rest are just generic characters with different color clothing. Also does not help that this game has Ubisoft style open world activities that get repetitive super fast.
One thing that is really stupid is how the best mission in the game is PS5 exclusive, everyone should be able to play it, and why are there no repercussions for using curses?

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2023
