Played this a LOT when I was a kid so I have fond memories of it but somewhere the game lost me and I never came back to it.
Kind of difficult to come back to it since one time I tried and my account had disappeared, but oh well.

Now for the 2023 review:
I suddenly remembered how I loved this game as a kid and how bummed I was when my account was deleted so imagine my surprise when I learned there's now a Steam verison; this will be my review of Elsword from a person who has not touched the game in almost 15 years:

It's so weird to see so many playable characters in 2023 not barred by the Gacha wall.
the gameplay is a mix of fighter and platformer with different skills and it is very fun and fast so dungeons don't take a lot of time.
Can't find people so always fight dungeons solo.
the job system and class change come really fast because it's really easy to level up (I got to level 50 in two days not even playing for 2 hours each day), it kinda feels like they want you to go straight to enjoying the endgame, but I'm still enjoying going back to the older regions because childhood.
the designs are very nice and you can see the evolution in character design and ideas the newer the class and design is.
the models are ok and hold surprisingly well for a game from 2007.
The community is alive, I just can't find italian people to play with...
The voiceover is only for attacks and in the world, the story is easy to follow and actually gets kind of interesting later on (even with the JRPG-ness of it) but is not voiced which is a shame since they dubbed the game in so many languages, even with an italian dub.
Fighting dungeons solo is fun but there is a small level of grind to be had.
The more you go through the story the longer the dungeons are which is not that fun when you are doing it solo like I'm doing.
The story is actually getting interesting the more you go trough, shedding some of the JRPG-ness of the plot in order to show more of the Nasod, the EL Lady and how it all connects to the beginning of your adventure

I'm afraid of the amount of hours I will sink into this...
If you want to play, search for a Rena called BravelyOwl!

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2023
