This was an experience. Adding this game to my backlog was purely for nostalgic reasons, I remember playing this on the GameCube as a young kid (mind you I didn't get very far then) and having a fun time, but now? Not so much. I found myself just constantly mashing the square button just firing away at an obscene amount of enemies in most levels, I know there are other gadgets but most of those require you to stand still or properly aim while enemies are constantly pushing you so I just preferred to jet pack/jump around while mashing square. It's an early 2000's game so I can't really bash it's outdated controls and graphics, but they are there nonetheless (A remaster would do this game wonders though)

Now it's not all bad as we have Temuera Morrison back to voice Jango Fett (which honestly was a surprise as usually an actor doesn't come in and voice the video game counterpart). I also really liked the side characters in this one (Roz especially) and also freaking Clancy Brown is in this as well. The settings the game took us were enjoyable, some classics and others that I wasn't familiar with, always nice to see another part of Star Wars.

Nostalgia aside, I had a decent time with this but found myself after chapter 3 just mindlessly shooting everything in sight hoping the end of the game was near, also the snipers in this game were cracked (I mean we're talking Halo 2 Jackal levels here).

Star Wars Ranking

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

You resurrected the memories of the pure pain and suffering brought upon me by those snipers...