This game far outstays its welcome. The beginning is interesting enough, with a fun premise that is trying hard to evoke the vibes of Night School Studio's previous title, Oxenfree, but it quickly falls into a slump. The main positive is that the charming realistic dialogue of free-speaking from Oxenfree is back, and the music is quite good. Interesting NPCs, too. Voice acting is excellent.

Unfortunately, the game becomes a matter of slowly moving back and forth between places you've already been to learn more about characters you don't particularly care about (Milo and Lola). The thing that makes it so insufferable is that the game is acutely aware that it is too long and that you're feeling a sense of impatience. Characters will frequently say things like "Come on, it's just another hour and you'll be done!" or "Sorry, I don't want to slow you down, I know you kind of just want to get to the end." and "Sorry about holding up the game, but that's what the game is!" If you know your game is too long, don't lampshade it, shorten it. I kind of felt insulted playing it. Overall it was okay but a far cry from Oxenfree, which is one of my favorite indies ever. Don't spend more than $10 on this and prepare for it to be a drag. This could have been a 3 hour experience and had the same impact but is stretched to twice that length by having you do busywork. Am I supposed to feel better when one of the NPCs says "Sorry, I hope you didn't feel like that was all busywork" ? Because I do not.

Reviewed on May 30, 2022
