The wall upgrade you get in the end is not only a cumbersome and horribly-designed mechanic, there are traps in the last level whose very premise is predicated on the fact that the wall upgrade is cumbersome, horribly designed, and not even necessarily so. Maybe they could have just made an upgrade that was useful and fun instead of build its awfulness into the level design and then just shrug and say I dunno, get better at games, nerd. Or, you know, at least let me turn it off! I had such a blast playing this game otherwise and it certainly would have been in my top three NES games but then it just... I mean just... there's difficult, and then there's just the sheer contempt that developers had for game players back in the 80's and 90's. Who hurt them? And I mean then after you see the way they treat other people like this, and then you're going to turn around and even try to make me feel bad for using save states? Why shouldn't I use them? What have they ever done for me lately to deserve me not using them?

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022
