I feel weird going on this websight amid two and one star ratings and publicly announcing that I love the hell out of this game, but the heart wants what the heart wants. I may have only logged it twice but I’ve played it like maybe ten times in my life.

One of the most beautiful games ever put to zeroes and ones, from the painterly graphics to the outstanding Yuzo Koshiro score. Genuinely impressive character design, especially the boss battles inspired by each of the seven deadly sins in a way that’s not obvious and stupid for once.

Oh sure, the master moves like how old people fuck and it’s difficult to the point of impossible unless you have a professional twitch channel, but then again you’re acting like you’re not playing this on an emulator with save states anyway. Stop lying and have a little more respect for yourself.

Yeah I like the simulator stuff from Actraiser as much as the next guy, but who cares it’s not in this one when this one is as gorgeous as it is

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022
