Now this is more like it. Bosses that are hard but not cheap, not to mention bosses that take a page from Street Fighter 2 or Punch Out!! and make their entire existence an extension of their nationality.

Now that I'm not banging my keyboard in half, I have time to sit back and admire how weird it is that all these baddies you fight keep repeating themselves. I always just accepted that they were doubles, but this game finally gave me the fun idea that the whole mad gear gang is made up of those 20 or so types and after you beat them and they flash dead the first time, it's the same person that reappears later in the level. And as you travel across Europe and Asia to find your friends, they travel with you.

But no, there are unmistakable repeats within the same scene. The first one takes place way in level 5, right before the boss. You know who it is? Elick, that fat weirdo with the electric coils. What is up with that guy? Why is he the only one trying to make that weird electric coil thing happen? Could it be that the mad gear gang does indeed have an Elick cloning facility? You know, it is a little suspicious that everyone else in the gang has a palette swap except Elick. And what's up with that name? What's going on with a lot of these names? Parents, remember, if you name your sons Schot, Elick, Mic, Leon, Elias, Joly, or Atlas, he will grow up directly into the clutches of the mad gear gang, and then presumably jail later on, once Mike Haggar has his way with him. The school-to-mad gear gang pipeline.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2022
