Thinking about this series made me remember that Something Awful used to write hysterical proto-AVGN reviews of weird roms back in the early 2000s. Being a grown-ass man in the year of our lord Jesus Christ 2023 and reading this edgy shitposter clutching pearls like the boomer moms they were trying so hard not to be is honestly much more entertaining than anything this game can muster. A fascinating document of a long-lost era.

Their batting average elsewhere is about 75%. Bullshit like Revolution X, Adventures of Dino Riki, Rex Ronan, and so on is rightfully trashed, but Legacy of the Wizard? 😢 ...I like Legacy of the Wizard.

(Not to mention, by the way, the VERY bold move in the above review of shitting all over this game while calling Target Earth “spectacular”)

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

Geez that Something Awful post sure was something