A cute, quirky, self-aware dungeon crawl action-RPG with some serious depth in its stats and customization. While it's writing leans very much on the more goofy side, it never feels like its going overboard on being reference-heavy or patronizing to its player. The story exists genuinely as just the baseline goal for you to overcome and the rest is for you to fill in yourself. It really is a game that really lets you make what you want out of it besides the actual core story and even its gameplay to a degree.

A big draw of this game is being able to not only make your own characters with a fairly robust little pixel art editor, but give them relations to other characters and dress them up however.

Does this do anything mechanically?


It's all just for show and to get you hooked into making something more out of this game than its base story of "get out of this pocket dimension." I honestly adore this to no end as I like to make my own tales when I play dungeon crawlers like Dungeon Encounters and the Etrian Odyssey series.

The gameplay itself is a dirt simple action-adventure style affair akin to Zelda 1 with jumping, sliding, and various weapons which affect not just your elemental stats but your swing speed, crit rates, and even the ratio of how much damage you'll do. On top of the equipment there's probably the most insane part of the game which is Magic Circles.

Magic Circles are this game's form of a party system where you have a set chart you can set your characters on and by doing so, you can augment them together with various skills and stats to unlock parameters like HP UP, faster movement, extra MP recovery, and so on. The flexibility of each class in-game having their own set of Circles plus the benefits/dangers of using certain circles really opens up more customization for the player. How you want to tackle any floor is entirely up to you and the game absolutely encourages it, even in failure.

This game also features, in the most bizarre twist of things, a full MML programming feature where you can code your own music to dungeon crawl to. It even lets you save and share these songs online as a standard save file! I've NEVER seen a game have this before and I honestly have nothing but appreciation that I've seen people get into it just because of this game.

While it can get a bit stale and its VERY overbearing at points learning all the tips and tricks that this game has to offer, once you get into it, it's a great time just making your own tales and whackin' monsters for fun and profit. Make some bonds, grab some tools, and get to huntin'.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
