Very generic and outdated video game, but still had fun at least.

In short this game is basically Saints Row: The Third in a new setting. While that may be good for some people it really isn't for many reasons. Graphics DO NOT hold up in many aspects. Blood looks very odd, reflections don't always look good and the buildings look questionable from a far distance. Every single NPC in this game looks like they were made using the graphics engine for The Sims 3, and their facial expressions look so awkward. Luckily, the visuals still look great. I really enjoyed driving through the terrain of the desert and explosions look amazing. I loved the architecture for the buildings in the city and the buildings out in the desert. They nailed the setting of the game to be a modern western. And I personally really loved the details of being able to see constellations and the galaxy at night. I didn't encounter many bugs throughout my playthrough which surprised me because I was bracing myself for something game breaking due to the amount of videos showing bugs on YouTube. I did notice some glitchy shadows and dang, there's A LOT of pop-in. I kid you not, some things pop-in right in front of me. Many of my favorite games have pop-in but in this game it's just way too noticable, even some shadows popped-in. The music for the radio stations was pretty good too. Gameplay is fun for a while but it does get repetitive. I got so bored of it that I had days where I just didn't want to play because it was boring. I didn't like how this game didn't have a proper covering system as it did bother me a lot to run around and crouch to avoid getting shot. Otherwise the gameplay was fun and I did like goofiness behind it all. Also, I had a blast customizing the hell out of my character, weapons and vehicles.

I thought the story was just okay, I liked the direction it was going. There were many missions that felt unnecessary to the story and all for the sake of character development that was poorly executed. I don't hate the main characters and their personalities because it does suit them but I see them more as goofy highschool hipsters rather than actual street gangsters which is what the game revolves around. I also really just didn't like the ending because there was no build up and it simply just felt like every other mission. I did love all the epic action that did happen during the missions they really stood out to me.

By all means this game really wasn't that bad but it isn't exactly good either. I do appreciate Volition for what they did offer with this game but I can't overstate when I say this game could've been a lot better. I did have fun but overall I'd say this is a mediocre game at best.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2022
