Still the same amazing game I loved as a kid but slightly better!
(Some parts of my review are from my review of the original TLOU)

I remember being a kid approaching my teenage years when my best friend's dad got us a copy of the game for the PS3 and it was an incredible experience back then. Graphics are noticeably better and it look amazing and visually impressive. This game has some of the best animation I've ever seen for a video game. The facial expressions are so realistic to how actual humans would react and I was so amazed by it. Still love the beauty and designs of the environments in the game as there tons of details and even more detailed than the original. This game step ups in being more gorey and show more dismemberment adding another layer of realism. Other than that this game pretty much feels the same. I heard the AI was more intelligent and immersive but I barely noticed a difference on that aspect. I'm so used to tlou2 controls and I kept forgetting that I can't dodge. I wish there was dodging and crawling, I understand that they would have to redesign some areas and levels and that would take more time. However, that's what a remake is supposed to do. It's supposed to make changes to better improve from the original and I honestly wouldn't have minded waiting longer for this remake since I've played it on PS3 and PS4 already. I do wish Naughty Dog took more time to make these considerations instead of rushing it. Still love the combat, it's generic but I never get tired of it since it doesn't drag on more than it needs to. Also they didn't bring over the Factions mode, that really doesn't bother me since I didn't really play it back then but I'm sure it does bother others.

The story is still emotional and impactful as ever. TLOU is what got me to really love the setting of a post-apocalyptic future. There's many interesting characters and a lot of detail in the world which tells a story in itself, some of which can be very tragic. Still appreciate Left Behind which gives us much needed character development for Ellie. And Joel is easily one of the best protagonist in all video games because he truly showed us a story of what a human would do, not a hero.

It was nice playing this game again with today's modern day graphics. I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog does next. I also do want to give my opinion on this game being called a remake. This game is easily a 5 stars if you haven’t played it before, for me this is a 4 stars at best. This is a game I’ve played many times on PS4 and besides the graphical and visual improvements for the PS5, you pretty much get the exact same experience as you would for the Remastered PS4 version which I can play on PS5 for cheaper. My point being this game doesn’t feel like a remake and instead only looks like a remake. Other than that, if you haven't ever played TLOU do yourself a favor play this game. I can't guarantee if you'll like the game or not but it's worth playing at least once.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2022
