I used to play this game in high school and it was fun then. I play it now with my brother who is obsessed and it is just one of the video games of all time. I am so glad this game has Horus and Hel.

This is peak Pac-Man everyone. Please play this game. I even got my girlfriend to play it!

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God I don't want to even review it. Game sucks, its also like my second favorite game ever. Gameplay is awesome and terrible. I LOVE THE CHARECTERS. Someone save me from this 3.5/5 game being put as 5/5, I cannot help it. Xenoblade 2 is a game I love with all my heart despite it's flaws. Rex went from a mid protag to one of my favorites after only like 2 chapters. Tora sucks most of the time, but he gave us Poppi so it evens out. Zeke, Morag, and Nia are peak. Pyra is awesome and so is Mythra. I wish the voice direction for this game did the voice actors justice. You can feel them trying so hard man. Anyways Malos Jin yaoi yada yada peak villains and best finale to any RPG I have ever experienced.

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This is the only Pokémon game I think I can give a real 5 stars to. Arceus is very close, but nothing has ever come as close to perfection in Pokémon for me than this game. While the story could be argued to be lesser than its predecessor, I personally don't think that warrants the game being worse in any way. Great Pokémon selection, great gyms and leaders (except you Marlon, you kinda suck sorry), and an all around fantastic region despite the linearity of Unova. Hugh is a great rival and I think he gets punched down a lot as the "Grr Purloin give it back" guy when he goes through a whole arc about not seeing things in black and white (whoa he said the line). Ghetsis being the most unhinged villain I think in all of Pokémon also helps, he is so easy to hate. The biggest flaw I see is that they cut Hilbert/Hilda from appearing as super bosses and the middle stretch of them game kind brings the story to a halt, but I think this is the closest thing to perfection Game Freak is ever going to release

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Yakuza 0. The first game in the yakuza series I played (for better or for worse). I won’t sit here and act like everything in this game is perfect. Some of the minigames (Cat fight club I specifically mean you why do you exist) are dreadful and it did take a bit for the story to really grab me. It took me a while to figure out why this is, and I don’t think I really grasped it until recently when talking to a friend about Infinite Wealth. I absolutely love Kiryu, he’s one of my favorite protagonists of all time and I want nothing but happiness for him. The problem is…he doesn’t really shine in 0. He’s still great, but he becomes overshadowed by his counterpart and fellow protag. His story is great, but it doesn’t grab me like the other part of the game. His main side mode is fine, but I enjoy it far less that the other. Looking back his story now, it was still good and I enjoyed it. The only real issue is the Majima. Majima is a character I would not have expected myself to become obsessed with. He’s funny, sure, but he’s only a protag in this game. What could make him so special? Majima has one of my favorite written character journeys of all time in this game. His attitude, the fact that if you played any game before this you know this is super odd for the Mad Dog. The way he fights (I like Kiryu and his styles but holy wow Majima styles my beloved) and the way he acts with every character around him. The amount of feeling his part of the ending gives me is just so much. I’m not a hard person to please, but 0 just gives me so much to love that I can ignore the bad and still give it 5 stars. Not perfect, but perfect enough for me. I really hope we one day either get to play as Majima again, or see him and Kiryu get the happy endings the deserve (Have not finished IW as of this review).