I've said most things about this game in my previous post about the Redux version and there isn't really a lot to add to be honest.

I do however have the feeling that this version felt better over the redux version. I can't really tell why, maybe the nostalgia kicking in... . Overall it took me 5 playthrough's to platinum both the original and redux version. A 5th playthrough was required because somehow the shadow ranger trophy did not pop on my 4th run. Even though a 4A developer said in which levels you could use your gun it seems the trophy tracks kills in an other way... on my final playthrough I only killed the very last guy.

The DLC are also pretty fun but way more difficult on the PS3 since it has other trophy requirements. I enjoyed every run I did and I'm very excited to play Metro Exodus for the first time.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2024
