I wasn't the target audience for this game but decided to give it a shot since I got it a while back on PS+. Yeah, I wasn't a fan. I thought the controls were awful. The story was bland too. None of the characters were memorable either. The only one I can remember is Shen, and that's because he had a cool backstory. I wouldn't mind seeing more of him in future Star Wars projects. Hitting debris was all over the place. Occasionally, it wouldn't bother your ship at all. Then other times, it would spin out of control and proceed to hit other objects along the way, making it worse. Following the characters in story mode was a hassle. Sometimes they went too fast and other times you go too fast. This game also has the typical cameos to make fans squeal like most Disney Star Wars products (to be fair though, it was kept to a minimum and made sense within the game). The most disappointing aspect of the game was the lack of content. It's so bare bones. This game should have been free to play instead of having a price tag. It would probably benefit from it in the long run. To be fair to the game, it is very pretty. Even if it does mostly take place in space, it still has gorgeous visuals. Plus, you can never go wrong with some classic Star Wars music. This and SW: TOR share one thing in common: the best thing was not the games themselves, but the CG cinematics that came out to help promote them.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

free game - its microtransactions and no story