Bomb Rush Cyberfunk has been one of my most anticipated games for the last several years. However, with anticipation comes expectations, ones that often don't align with reality. It's easy to come up with a preconception of what a game should be, which when left unchecked can lead to one souring their experience. I would be lying if I didn't say that this wasn't the case for me and Bomb Rush.

Bomb Rush is too nice, too passive for me to feel completely invested. I often felt weightless as I drifted through the sprawling levels. If only there was one more mechanic added to the movement system, something extra to manage or manipulate.

Don't get me wrong, as an aesthetic piece Bomb Rush clears with top marks. I love the style, the music, the attitude. At the end of the game, one character says that "graffiti would be hella lame if it was legal", and I have to agree. I would just add that graffiti is also hella lame if its easy.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
