Heroes 2 is Medal of Honor shedding many of its low quality trappings and trying to be more like Call of Duty, ending up being far better than CoD's own outing on the PSP.

Unlike its predecessor, which had half-assed the single player to focus on multiplayer, Heroes 2 is a really competent WW2 first person shooter with a fully featured campaign, solid controls, satisfying weapons with quality hit detection and passablly designed levels despite the limitations of the system.

On the negative side, weapon variety is poor due to the baffling decision to only make the MP40 collectable off dead enemies, while every single other weapon in the game has to be found in specific places. As a result, an iconic gun like the German Kar98k rifle is only ever present in one single level, and a sewer at that, while a very situational weapon like the shotgun will be offered four or five times. It's an inexplicable concession to no-effort game balancing that severely hampers variety, though it won't sabotage the fun completely. At the very least it's better than the previous game, where you were limited to one weapon plus a useless pistol, whereas here you may trade the latter for something useful.

One or two stealth sequences might also have broken up the pace nicely, but instead it's all action all the time for a campaign that's about three hours in length.

Worth mentioning is the final level, which ends on an infuriating timed sequence with endlessly respawning enemies, which is barely feasible for those playing on hard mode, and only with a lot of luck to boot.

The multiplayer is now for all intents and purposes dead, since they removed the offline botmatch skirmish mode from the first MoH Heroes, which wasn't much, but it at least gave the game some extra value.

Despite its flaws it ultimately is a fine Call of Duty clone that will provide just enough on-the-go entertainment for a passing grade.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2022
