It's goddamn peak. But of course I'm not leaving a review as just a single sentence.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what to say here. Not because I just can't think of anything, in fact, there's so much I WANT to talk about. But with what sort of game this is, I have to be careful cause practically anything can be a spoiler. And with just, how good this game is, I don't want to risk spoiling anything at all. But I'll try my best to speak on what I think I can.
Once again Suda51's works just continue to amaze. Every story of his has left me blown away, and continuously guessing, and I love it. There's so much to digest and theorize and even though I think I have a general grasp on things, there's other things that I think purposefully are left vague. The fact that this a game that makes me have to take PHYSICAL NOTES just to think and theorize is outstanding in and of itself. And god, I had multiple moments I had to pause for a minute or two because of a realization I made, I just. This game is fucking peak.
I love the characters too. I feel like I prefer the characters of The Silver Case more, but that doesn't change the fact that the characters in The 25th Ward are still absolutely great. I really liked the cast from MatchMaker especially, it's a damn good dynamic. Also genuinely I want to make a note about the music. The music is really fucking good.
Also I really like the puzzles. They definitely more take the general concepts from Flower, Sun, and Rain, and how those puzzles worked, but I really liked it. I also liked how you had to sort of spin around this weird ball to find the letters or numbers you're searching for. Even if they're just simple number or letter combination puzzles, from both an aesthetic and execution level, I think they're really nice. I only really think one puzzle in the entire game stumped me, and that's just cause I didn't really know the information the game was expecting of me.
So yeah, after finally finishing up The 25th Ward, I can assuredly say, it's peak. Play The Silver Case, then play Flower, Sun, and Rain, and then play this.

Reviewed on May 03, 2023
