Generation 5 of Pokemon is probably best compared to that of the works of Vincent Van Gogh. Upon release, they were hated, unrecognized, and shunned. But now over a decade since the game's original release, it's praised as one of the best of the entire series. Unfortunately, I was one of the people who jumped on the hate bandwagon when these games came out, but then again I was 9, and I didn't really have the ability to really formulate my own opinions. Now I do. And let me be clear by saying that Pokemon Black and White are some of the best Pokemon games, and I doubt any later title can really top them.
Obviously to start it off, I love how these games are basically a soft reboot of Pokemon. The fact that for the entire main campaign you can ONLY use gen 5 pokemon is amazing! It allows you to properly experiment and try out all these new Pokemon. And keep in mind gen 5 introduced 156 total pokemon, the largest amount any generation has introduced by far. It allows for practically limitless amounts of customization, figuring stuff out, trying brand new combinations. I absolutely love it.
As well, the game is so smartly designed, it allows you to figure out ways to deal with specific bosses without outright telling you that that's what you need. Sure, the Elemental Monkey pokemon is a bit obvious, but the rival fight with Cheren in Nacrene City gives you a hint to the second gym because he gives you Chesto Berries! And this is a thing I've noticed throughout the entire game. And also, thank god for Audino existing, making grinding such a nonissue. Thanks to that, I was able to basically beat the game in 3 days.
The story is of course one of the highlighting parts of the entire game. Without a day. When these games came out, no Pokemon game had a story as strong as these games, characters as well written as Cheren, Ghetsis, and N. And I have to give undeniable praise to its story, it's well deserved.
Gen 5 may be when Pokemon ultimately peaked, and no game afterwards has really matched its quality. You might be asking why this is a 9/10 even with all of the praise that I give it, and you'll find out at a later time. However, I absolutely loved my time with this game, and I'm glad I finally got around to replaying it.

Reviewed on May 12, 2023
