For years now I've just been so curious about what Breath of Fire actually was. When I was a kid browsing the 3DS Eshop I constantly saw this one on the virtual console, and I was like, "what is that?" and I for some reason just never looked much into it. And now I've finally come around to pick this game up, and figure out what exactly Breath of Fire is. And I can definitely say it's an alright, but very interesting time.
When people here say that Breath of Fire is a generic RPG, I feel like that's half true. The story is nothing to really write home about, and for most of the combat, it's your standard turn based RPG. However, I do think there are some things that make Breath of Fire unique as well.
For one, the cast. Breath of Fire's cast is so interesting because it includes many fantasy races that are so rarely playable, such as Nagas or Angels. And each playable character had a unique ability that can be used in either dungeons or in the overworld which is really cool. And while the typical combat encounter is generic, there are unique mechanics in combat that do make things at least a little bit more interesting. The fact you can fuse party members together to create stronger characters is awesome. And I just really like how combat encounters look.
Though, I feel certain I would be unable to play this game without a guide of some kind. At times it's really hard to tell where to go, or what exactly you need. And as well, I feel like the difficulty is inverted in some way. I feel like the early game was much more difficult than the later sections. Gaining the fusion abilities, and one in particular, made everything a cakewalk. Which is funny, cause the guide I was using was saying that this was a difficult game, but it ended up being really easy at the end.
Breath of Fire is an interesting game. I'd still say it's an about average RPG. However, its elevated by its playable cast, their dynamics, and the interesting ideas that can be seen in the game. I hear that the later titles do get a lot better, and I can't wait to play them, as I did enjoy the time I had with this game.

Reviewed on May 23, 2023
