A great conclusion to the series,i was honestly afraid of this might be a fast wrap up of the story kind of like Xenogears Disc 2,but thankfully that's not the case.Story is deep,thought provoking,tragic,beautiful,and incredibly well told.There was never a moment where i was getting bored of it,and when it reaches it's pinnacles,amount of emotion it conveys is on another level in anything else i've ever played,this game has so much character development and character moments,along with an extremely fleshed out worldbuilding,it's just insane,it's close to Xenogears with amount of ambition it has.It's not just an incredible story on it's own,but also the perfect ending the series could've had after the planning 6-game series has reduced to 3.Every single payoff is satisfying,and ending,while leave things open for more to follow,might be my favorite in any game ever,i'll just say it has i was in tears by the times credits have rolled
Gameplay is polished to the near perfection,everything feels fast,snappy and fun,regular battles doesn't really does something unique unlike Xenosaga 2, you have your party members,and variety of actions they can perform,which includes regular attacks, tech attacks, which are more powerful physical attacks, and ether attacks, which is magic.Along with a refined boost system,which now you can use special attacks in exchange of the boost,and that's it,but it does all of these in the most polished,fun and balanced way.Maybe with the exception of the break system,which is a gauge both you and enemies had.When that gauge fills,character knocks down and more vulnareble to attacks for 2 turns.And unfortunetly it's kind of useless agains the bosses due the how gigantic their break gauges are,especially compare to your party members,you're better of focusing on raw damage rather than break damage.But that's just a minor problem compare to what the gameplay does right
E.S fights are improved a lot too,you have a fuel gauge to perform variety of attacks,a better generator you have,more fuel you have, and therefore more attacks you can perform.You also have an Anima gauge,which is like boost, but just for special attacks, and unlike boost each party member has an individual Anima gauge. Regular E.S battles doesn't offer much in terms of challange,but most of the time you combat in E.S are for bosses, and all of them are pretty strategic and satisfying fights, especially in the endgame.
Music is both a massive upgrade and kind of a downgrade,enviroment music is a bit dull and forgettable compare to Xenosaga 2,but there are so many incredible combat musics it makes up for it,just look up Godsibb on Youtube.
Overall,Xenosaga 3 offers a complex,emotional narrative,deep and likeable characters and super fun gameplay.It stands right next to Xenogears as THE masterpiece in the videogame medium in my opinion

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2022
