If this game is not for you, I understand. It is a very story and cutscene-heavy game and is typically only adored by people who played it as a child so as to ignore this fault. I expected to find more faults in my recent replay. But no. Instead, in the slew of recent mediocre mainline titles, this holds up as one of the most emotionally successful games in Nintendo's library. I wish not to spoil anything other than that the final chapter made me cry countlessly as a child and even more so as an adult now understanding even more of its themes.
Again, if you prefer the main entries, I get it. Their gameplay is generally more expansive and, of course, some may not enjoy the roguelike elements. But anyone who grew up with the game will understand exactly what I mean when I say it is far, far more than some Pokémon spin-off game. It is a heart-wrenching masterpiece of storytelling.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
