I sincerely wish this game had a little more replay value because I absolutely adore it.
The platforming is harsh and intensely precise but fair in death. Every location is vibrant and interesting in 8 and 16 bit, highlights being the elemental sky garden and the terrifying void area.
My main takeaway from it though was just how absolutely hilarious it can be. Possibly the most I have consistently and genuinely laughed at any game (except maybe Sonic Adventure) while still leaving moments for seriousness, which as a result are far more shocking than they would otherwise be. There is a moment around the middle of the game when you think everything is over that is as surprising as it is darkly comic and it puts a smile on my face just to think about the outburst of laughter that proceeded on my first playthrough. You may know what I mean if you've played this.
I desperately need a sequel to this because if you've seen the jokes once you'll always remember, which I suppose speaks volumes to its writers.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
