Going into this game, I already knew there was going to be something up with it, considering what people were saying and the warning given when you actually load it up. Holy Shit it was 10 times worse than what I could have ever imagined, but in a really good way. It took me 18 hours to beat my main run of the game, and throughout it, it genuinely made me think and reminisce about my past. All of my regrets, my old friends, my new ones, all of the memories regarding those, and the fear of leaving everything behind when I leave for college after the next school year, all of that flooding into my head while playing this game genuinely did make me break down and cry for the first time ever playing any video game or watching any show/ movie. This game is an absolute masterpiece, ranging from its story direction, world building, and it's physiological horror elements, along with it making me rethink my life, and this is coming from someone who usually hate turn based RPGs. Overall, I can confidently give this game a 10/10

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
