Max Payne knockoff by Namco is a pretty strong selling point, and then they throw a dog in there? Please, of course I'll play all four of these freak ass games. There's a real Burton-esque beauty to the made up city the game takes place in, a weird neon gothic vibe that makes the levels quite atmospheric and beautiful. One early graveyard stage could easily have been grey and dull but the grass is bright green, the fog is yellow, and the sky is streaked with purple, so in conjunction with the oversized graveyard props it gives a sort of fun-house feel to the whole affair. Once you get to the docks the game starts to run out of ideas, with boss fights that take the piss and much duller spaces that are reused quite a bit, but the first half is good campy fun, great shooting and slo mo grappling action. Wish the Shadow mechanic worked better

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2022
