They tried really hard to make this musou not a musou and it came out better than you'd think but worse than you'd hope. Story Mode has the best combat in a licensed musou yet, and a stellar artstyle that perfectly reflects the manga, but is even tighter and more linear than FOTNS, being a corridor to square to corridor affair that boils down to a lot of mashing buttons against waves of enemies. It's broken up with some Zelda style platforming which is cute at first but after a few stages just gets dire and boring. This is definitely the most cinematic game Omega Force has made yet, with some great cutscenes and super fun quick time events recreating moments from the show, so it might be worth a peep on youtube for that alone. Another Episode makes the game play more like a traditional musou, but at that point there's really no reason to play this over 3 unless you have squeezed every drop out of that game and 2

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023
