If you crave anything analog horror like Local58 or Gemni Home Entertainment, you'll love Home Safety Hotline. It starts with you picking up calls about a deceptively mundane collection of household critters and issues we're used to, but as each day passes you get introduced to the more occult, creepy, otherworldly, folklorical and sometimes whimsical "pests" that could potentially inhabit our home.

I, however would have loved an even bigger collection of creatures and phenomena to identify. As the game approaches its last day (disappointingly quickly, keep in mind), I'm left with a feeling of wanting more, especially since most of the entries are only featured once in calls and some of them are very straightforward.

The best calls are undoubtedly those where you're wondering if the customer is being plagued by an eldritch metamorphic being, a neat freak fairy that hides in your drain... or just a frozen pipe.

I can see where the dev was going with the ending, but the last riddles "puzzle" was just... terrible, both thematically and from a gameplay perspective.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2024
