A simply sublime and inventive deck building game with quite a few genre subversions sprinkled throughout. Masterful atmosphere, visuals and mechanically complex while at the same time being very approachable and digestible. Inscryption should be considered a case study of successful game design.

I gotta admit I was slightly disappointed once the game shifted away from Act 1's shenanigans, but the resulting experience more than made up for it in the end. I also love how the creator added in an optional endgame mode with expanded rules, challenges and cards as kinda of a gift for those who really enjoyed the first segment of the game.

Everyone should play through this at least once. And this is coming from someone who usually dislikes card games and is currently tired of roguelites.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024


22 days ago

You gotta get on Lorelei pronto, I'm sure you're going to love it.

20 days ago

Hi @Peter_K! Literally just finished reading your great Lorelei review! I was planning on waiting for it to release on PS/Xbox (so I could play it on a big screen), but I think you just convinced me to grab it for my Switch Lite instead. Cheers!

20 days ago

@Giulianosse Very curious to hear your thoughts on this! Going through it is a trip.