It's been a while since I played Jotun. However, there are still a few things I remember quite well. Firstly, as anyone who has seen a single screenshot of the game will have noticed, Jotun is really beautiful. The painterly style of the game really impressed me at the time. The aesthetics of the game also reflect the Nordic mythological setting very well. Typical figures and creatures of the Viking world are presented very vividly and really come to life thanks to the elaborate animations. The same applies to the music, which is convincing with both melancholic sounds and more intense combat music.

In terms of gameplay, I had an all-round fun time for the short duration of Jotun (approx. 5.5 hours). I remember that the combat system was quite simple and not really complex or deep. Anyone expecting to delve deep into combat tactics will probably be disappointed. This didn't bother me much at the time, although a certain monotony did set in towards the end of the game. Another point of criticism I would add is that some of the boss battles use quite unfair mechanics, which you can only counter to a limited extent thanks to the rather clumsy controls. So it did happen to me that one boss kept shooting lightning bolts at me like crazy with me barely being able to move my sluggish character out of the way. That was pretty frustrating.

Apart from that, however, I have no regrets about playing Jotun. The narrative gripped me from start to finish, the setting was (at least at the time) still quite fresh, and the music and art style were first class. All in all I would recommend to give Jotun a try :)

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024


21 days ago

Bro, you need to replay this as I find it hard to believe its barebones narrative and simplistic combat system did anything close to gripping you haha.

20 days ago

@RedBackLoggd I might do that at some point but that would be very low on my priority list :D

20 days ago