I started Captain Toad on a whim, thinking its cuddly exterior would be perfect for the short train ride I was on. While its inviting aesthetic got me through the door, Toad's adventure surprised me in how incredibly tight its leveldesign is.

Captain Toad's levels are intricate, interactive puzzleboxes that left me delighted in short, digestible bursts. While your options are limited to moving on a horizontal plane and pulling things out of the ground, the game constantly one-ups itself with the amount of ways it can make those simple mechanic sing in harmony with the level's challenge, art and music.

For a week, I looked forward to my commute. Hopping onto a train, unfolding my 3DS and exploring a few levels was a perfect way to unwind. I thoroughly recommend you uncover this treasure for yourself!

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2023
