This was a weird one. Probably my lack of experience with games is at fault here, since I hadn't played any game of this kind. Anything I critique would probably be a critique of the overall genre of this game, which just ties into me not being the main audience for it.

In this game, you open numerous doors, each door leads to a room of a museum which houses an artifact of legends - may it be a creation of a famous blacksmith or something from the ages of gods and demons. The stories of each item, which are like probably around 600 word long infodump, are interesting, but it feels something which would be more proper in a book form or a manga. Probably book would be suitable cuz the look of the items were severely underwhelming compared to the story regarding them, which, now that I think of it, might have been the intended effect. But it leads to a underwhelming experience.

The structure of the museum itself is pretty damn weird. It just seems to randomly connect multiple rooms with each other than follow a proper room layout. But maybe I am wrong and a replay of it could show me that. But I didn't like the game enough to do that.

But I have some positive things to say about this too, otherwise the 2.5 stars would feel weird. The visuals of the game does have it's own style, which is striking enough to get me to sit through the game. The music isn't anything to write home about, but it does create a fun atmosphere to have you want to explore the game. The lore of each items were fun to read, and it did show me something new that I didn't know has been done in games.

Since it takes less than an hour to play the entirety of it, I would still consider it worth it. Probably worth it for people who want "experimental stuff" too.

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2024
