I actually beat this game a while ago, but I've been really struggling to put what I liked about it into words.

So I'll keep it as simple as I can:

- The environments are gorgeous and far more varied than the first 5 or so hours will lead you to believe.

- The characters are—far and away—the best written and most interesting in Bethesda's entire library.

- The combat feels great. The stiffness of Fallout gunplay is a thing of the past, and Starfield's unique twists on encounters are often subtle but deeply appreciated.

- The creative freedom in character customization (and everything great that entails) as well as ship building remained rewarding through my entire experience.

- As everyone will tell you, NG+ is extremely clever, and I'd argue it's almost worth the price of admission in and of itself.

As someone who has never liked Fallout, I had so many worries about Starfield. It has its rough edges, but overall, I'm extremely impressed with what Bethesda built here. It's just a great time.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
