Final Fantasy V is a collection of extremely high highs and several very irritating lows. In the same way that FFIV perfected what FFII tried, FFV is the full realization of everything FFI and FFIII attempted.

The story is simple—with a charismatic villain and a lovable cast—and the Job system from FFIII finally comes into its own, allowing you to build up your party in a thousand different ways.

The script is also incredible, heartfelt, and—at times—genuinely hilarious. It helps push the identity of this franchise even further into its own.

The main issue I have with this game is the difficulty curve: Right around the time you fight (minor spoiler) Atomos, the difficulty of encounters takes a massive jump. From that point on, many enemies have insta-kill gimmicks or other frustrating tactics that can make some dungeons pretty painful to get through.

Overall, I don't think FFV reaches the highs of its predecessor, but it's still an excellent experience that I'd recommend with little hesitation.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023
