DOOM I and DOOM II defined the FPS genre!
Thanks to them later we got shooters like Duke Nukem, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Quake and RTCW. RTCW was the first game I ever played but DOOM II is the game that left an impact on me.

Playing this in 2018 brought me a lot of nostalgia for the times when old-school shooters were simple, smooth, fast, sometimes over the top and always challenging. Times when people were not that sensitive and easily offended. The market was still not flooded with overpriced uncompleted generic looking games.

The gaming demographics were very small, especially in post-communist countries and not many people had PCs. I was one of the lucky kids to have a PC just because my father and his friends saw the potential of computer tech development at the beginning of the '90s. Those were wild years in the ex-communist bloc - the transition from communism to the free market, years of violence, drugs, uncertainty and everybody looking for a way to survive. Getting a PC and video games was far harder and involved having connections with people from Western countries. Except for working with PCs, something rare for that time, my father and his friends have spent hours and hours after work playing DOOM II multiplayer. He didn't believe me that you can still run old shooters on a modern PC until I started the GZDoom port. I brought him 20 years back and additionally showed him Brutal DOOM. Well, you can say he was quite happy.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
