I was really very much looking forward to this game being ported to the pc. More than you can imagine.

Back when the beta for Gundam Evolution, a hero-shooter utilizing the Gundam IP, was in full swing, I was so happy. I heavily dislike the hero-shooter genre, but the Gundam Evo beta was the most fun I've ever had with team-based multiplayer games. And to finally play a Gundam-related game on pc when all you had were the SD Gundam stuff. It felt so fulfilling.

Then the game finally officially released.

I don't know what happened between the beta and the official release? Maybe the gundam hype dying down made me realize it was always like this, or maybe the devs really did some fucked up changes, but god damn did that game become a heaping pile of garbage. Weighed down with all the bad things about hero-shooters already, the game was incredibly bare-bones, both in map design and in features. Matchmaking was abyssal, not in the connection sense, but in the matching players sense, as it would match based on win rate. Meaning if you lost once, your next 10 games would be set in stone. And only 2 of the suits had the potential to carry bad teams. And don't get me started on these seasons, being even more barebones. You're telling me you could only add ONE (1) suit and ONE (1) stage? Fuck off with that bullshit. I dropped the game instantly and look toward Battle Operations 2.

They were working on porting BO2 while Evo was also in development, but it had taken some time cause with the first beta nothing worked. One couldn't even log into the game. Yet, after watching some game footage, I fell in love. The variety of suits, the complex mechanics, even the fact that the suits had real weight. Felt like they ripped the suits straight out of their animes.

So, when BO2 finally came out, I immediately hopped on. It was so much fun. It was everything I wanted Gundam Evo to be. This game, with its incredibly intricate system, variety of suits, variety in customization of both the suits and the player, no shitty battlepass, easy ways to delve into the gacha, and actual different game modes for both single and multiplayer, shat Gundam Evo out of the water. The soul shined so bright.

Then why am I rating it only 1.5 stars? Matchmaking. This game has, genuinely, the WORST matchmaking. First off, you have like a 75% chance of the game just kicking you out of matchmaking, most of the time with no warning or "failed matchmaking" sign. If you get in, you are going to have to wait at LEAST 10 minutes for a full 5v5 match. 6v6? make that 20 minutes. Once you finally have enough players, pray one of them just doesn't randomly disconnect and you'll have to start the process all over again. Sometimes, when the wait is too long, players will just leave the que. At that point, you need to leave or else the wait time becomes an hour. Once you're finally in, you have to make another prayer to make sure that players won't just randomly disconnect, or else you'll have to play a 2v4 or a 3v6. Yes, it does happen. Unlike Gundam Evo, where the match will just end if too many people disconnect at the beginning (too many being 1-2), the match doesn't end if half your team is gone one frame into the match. You have to experience the entire 6 minutes of the other team decimating your ass and you not being able to fight back because not enough team members and the other 2 players are the most incompetent pieces of shits ever. Made worse by the fact that, unless you are lucky with your teammates, you are never going to get out of D- rank. I was so close to leaving D- and then the game just decided I was having too much fun and put me into incompetent team after incompetent team. All the server maintenances and nothing has changed.

Despite the game itself being very good and enjoyable, it is not enough to justify going through the grueling process that is matchmaking, only to lose cause your team does not know how to support each other or to push. Another day of praying to God that EXVS gets ported to steam.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2023
