With Persona 3 Reload fresh in my mind, two years after beating Persona 3 FES for the first time, I've completed The Answer and the full story of Persona 3.

I heard a lot about The Answer in the two years between beating FES and deliberating playing this game. I heard that the gameplay sucks and that it's all around a bore, but having given it a shot, suffice to say I fucking loved it.

Something I anticipated was the lack of social link stuff and endless grinding, which yes, that was the worst part, but it didn't really detract from the experience? I figured that it would remind me of the first three Persona games more, and it kind of did. There is no down time in this game whatsoever, you're either grinding in a dungeon or watching a cutscene, so it was great.

The story here was totally fucking brilliant. I didn't realize how much I wanted this, but to see how SEES grieves over Makoto ... ugh! Heartbreaking! They all take it in different ways, but the main theme is that they aren't alone!!
Something else is I think it's nice to have this be a proper goodbye to everyone, and the Iwatodai Dorm. Had a lot of feelings watching them all talk about this being their last night in the dorms, having just experienced this in real life college as well, I can empathize, and makes me feel a little nostalgic. This is the last time I'll be playing in these dorms for at least a while, too, so yeah ...

This whole experience made me love Aigis so much more. First time playing FES I thought she was fine, nothing special, and I really warmed up to her in Reload, but she is absolutely incredible in this. Her actress does a phenomenal job!! So do the other performers in this, too, specifically Junpei's and Yukari's voiceover artists.

So much else to say about this that I loved -- the new environments, like the Arena were really nice to look at, the final boss was fucking DOPE AS FUCKING SHITTTTT he was so fucking cool looking!!! Finally understanding what really happened to Makoto was interesting, too, god.

And finally, "the answer" to life, which is friendship -- as totally corny as that answer is, I was getting actually emotional at this revelation while in the game. Seriously was on the verge of crying this game has moved me.

Overall a total banger. I can get past the annoying grindy bullshit because the story in this is incredibly endearing and a wonderful way to tie Persona 3 up in a nice bow. I love it.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
