This is my favourite final fantasy game.
The combat is drop dead gorgeous. The soundtrack is phenomenal. The set pieces are some of the coolest and most beautiful things I’ve seen in a video game. But the thing that I truly loved about this game? How immersed I got in the story, and the world.
Something I found out very quickly was that there is a character who is basically an encyclopaedia of every character, main event, and concept in the game. This is the best addition to a video game I’ve played in recent memory. I don’t know if other things did this but nothing as comprehensive and as well as ff16. I put 50 hours basically non stop into this game and probably a tenth of that was just reading about the politics and phenomena of the world. And the thing is this truly immersed me in it. I knew exactly what was happening and the significance of it all because I had studied this world. I knew the terms and what everything meant, and it let me get so much more invested. I truly think no other game has been as immersive as this. Add to that every single character is either lovable or lovably hateable, and it’s a game I just couldn’t put down. I love ff7, and maybe remake and rebirth will change my mind, but ff16 clears it easily for me.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
