For context I've previously played (and loved) Yakuza 0, Kiwami, Judgement and Like a Dragon.

I played this game in fits and starts so it might be on me, but I got a bit lost with the plot at times on this one. It didn't help that it seemed to crowbar a few side stories in to the main narrative. I didn't think the story was bad, just not as engaging as the previous games I've played in the series.

The game uses the newer Dragon engine so graphically is a big step up from 0 and Kiwami, with the seamless transitions to battles and entering buildings adding a lot to the immersion. Like all Yakuza games there's a lot of reused assets but that's to be expected by fans of the series.

Overall, it looks very nice but it's one of the weaker Yakuza games I've played so far. Like fans of the series will tell you though. A not so good Yakuza game is still a great game.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2021
