Since this game is pretty much catered to me, I dont have any complaints.
Lunacid is a Dungeon Crawler with real time first person combat.
You will move between the interconnected areas with more than plenty secrets to be found.
While the general ambiance leans towards horror with a similar setting like Shadow Tower, its very much a "LoFi" game.
The Soundtrack is composed by a plethora of artist that all did a genuinely amazing job in framing the experience.
The Artstyle is capturing late PS1/ early PS2 era graphics with options for multiple screen effects like Texture Warping and Scan Lines.
My biggest problem is that the player is very much able to become quiet over powered on accident. This can take away some tension you had in the early game, but this might be a plus for some people.

Kira has done a really good job again and I want to see what he comes up with next.

So I can fully recommend the game and I dont think anybody who looks at the steam page and decides to buy Lunacid will be disappointed.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
