A game where literally everything interesting about it is in the uncontrollable cutscenes while I get stuck fighting off the same 5 or 6 enemy types endlessly. I'm not exactly a fan of the original trilogy but at least they had no delusions about what they were. GoW 2018 siphons everything fun out of the equation in the name of quote-unquote maturity so instead of the tight, snappy combat of the originals you get this unpleasantly lumbering mess. Prestige TV-ass game in the worst way, dour and self-serious in a way that only serves to underline how stupid it all is. Kratos is possibly my least favorite video game character ever created, but at least he serves as an interesting mirror of the particular kind of solipsism his biggest fans indulge in: 13 years prior a mindless, misogynist rage machine for adolescent boys, in 2018 a sad shitty dad for those same boys now grown up. Extremely telling that his wife is dead the second the game begins and she never rises above the level of plot device, her face never even shown. Sony closed Japan Studio so they could make more loud, flashy, empty bullshit like this. Bleak stuff.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
