This DLC is overhated. People are actually mad that they toned down the combat? The combat from the base game was ass and it was shoved down your throat every 2 seconds. In my opinion, I probably enjoyed the first game slightly more, but this one is not far behind.

Exploration is toned down for this one which has its pros and cons depending on your tastes. Getting lost was a big issue in the first one, however it detracts from the 'play at your own pace' mindset that a game like this needs.

The puzzles are plentiful and ingenious, just like the first game. I was surprised by the amount of new mechanics thrown in as well. From descriptions and reviews, I was certain that this would just be 'more Supraland'. While abilities are mostly the same, the way you use them is completely different. Once again, I was floored by some of these puzzle solutions.

A lot of the games mechanics have been tweaked to make for a much better experience. For example, chests are much more rewarding this time around as there are less of them. Just simple changes like this go a long way.

Music is fine but doesn't quite reach the heights of Supraland (which wasn't a high bar anyway). The artstyle has improved quite a bit in my opinion although that might just be me. Story is more intriguing and the writing is a little bit better - though that's not saying much.

The developer straight up lied again about the games length so I would recommend buying this one on offer if you want your moneys worth. So excited for Six Inches Under.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2021
