Played on Cemu.
I heard this was better than the first, and while I was sceptical going in, I can confirm that they absolutely nailed it once again.

- Basically just the first game expanded on
- Boss fights might even be better than the first game. A fight just 1 hour in felt like it could've been the finale.
- Music is once again superb
- The enemy design team took even more drugs than last time
- Gimmick levels are better than those in the first game

- Loki is the most annoying character to grace the Earth
- The dialogue in general is mostly cringey and poorly written
- One section in particular controls very wonky
- The final boss's difficulty spike came out of nowhere.

Overall, I enjoyed this about the same amount as the first game. I now know why everyone is so hyped for Bayonetta 3.


Reviewed on Feb 22, 2022
