So…. Suprise this game is GREAT!

I was in the camp of hating on square enix after the triple whammy of final fantasy 15, final fantasy 7 remake and kingdom hearts 3.

However this game might be the first one where the modern square enix vision has finally clicked for me. I would say this game’s primary strength is its visual spectacle. It’s clearly where square put most of the time and money. Its other strength is the combat, handled by a former capcom employee who worked on devil may cry.

It’s an action rpg through and through with no sentimentality for final fantasy’s legacy of methodical strategy based combat. Elements don’t affect different kinds of enemies and you only control 1 guy and his dog.

But this game can be every bit as flashy as devil may cry. It might lean a little more to the cinematic but its combat has enough meat that putting the work into learning it is worth your time.

Eikon battles are another highlight. They remind a lot of Asura’s wrath. A game known for its scale as big as the planet boss fights and over the top cutscenes. Eikon fights are flashy, highly visually stimulating boss fights that use a seperate moveset from Clive’s default one. They break up the pace of this game and provide a great deal of excitement and visual spectacle.

I found myself getting a bit bored of this game around the halfway point and was skipping most of the cutscenes because I thought it was getting a bit monotonous. But then I started to experiment more with the game’s combat and found I really enjoyed cycling through the Eikon abilities and flying around the screen.

I love the characters, escpially cid. Very stoic vibes from most of them but they are all good for carrying around a story touching on metaphors for environmentalism, racism, and geopolitical conflict. Its tone is maybe the darkest of any final fantasy game, a lot of characters die in this game. Like a huge amount. It is filled with a lot of touching moments, I am not gonna lie I teared up a few times. There is a very believable current of love and sentiment between these characters and it was enough to move me. Here’s hoping square keeps honing their creative vision, they seem to be back on track.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2024
