This is a very good game.

I have talked a bit about it with one of my friends and he said he did not like that this game did not have the traditional power up styles associated with metroidvania style games. Namely the movement oriented powers that you naturally acquire throughout the game. I don't think every metroidvania style game needs this.

Blasphemous handles it's progression with subtlety and does not give you the most overt power ups to adapt and advance through the world. It has broad range of powerup types including items you can equip for stat boosts, items that give you a draw back and bonus(such as you do more damage but your defenses are weakened), active items that use your MP gauge(called fervor in this game).

I think the game has a superb artstyle with a lot of beautiful sprite work. It reminds me a lot of old DOS games but just much more lavish. While this game is described as a horror game, I found it to be a lot more surreal and strange.

The game's story I am told it fleshed out a lot more in the DLC but I loved how it was presented through the lore on the items and brief dialouge with the characters. I felt like I was given a suffcient amount of mystery and explanation.

It's voice acting is very good, I am told it's even better in spanish.

Overall highly recommend this one.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
