god only knows why this was on my backlog.
yknow at first i thought this was gonna be neat. a kart racing game based more on objectives than straight racing? sounded cool, like a weird racing/battle hybrid. but then the game started playing and it handles like absolute ass. if theres any kind of drift or decent reverse i never found it, every item does basically the exact same thing, most of the objectives basically devolve to "crash into each other", and the stages are poop-shittingly bad!
Absolutely insane the sheer amount of fanservice in this tho, for a game released in the midst of season two, it has more racers than most cart racing games. i mean, we got starvin marvin and scuzzlebutt for gods sake. real memorable great iconic characters. also it was kinda funny so i cant say its the worst thing

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2021
