A game with some of the most nuanced platforming mechanics you'll ever find which executes on them somewhat inconsistently. The game was structured with the conceptually admirable yet ultimately bad idea of going back and forth between "high speed thrill" levels and slower paced levels. What this really means in practice is that the game is kind of split down the middle, jumping back and forth between levels which engage with its core mechanics in interesting and deep ways, and those which, in trying to imitate other, more traditional platformers, actively disengages with its own mechanics, which is never a good thing in any game. Fortunately, the split isn't quite 50/50 of good to bad. There's definitely more to praise than to criticise. And if anything, that itself is an accomplishment worth noting considering how novel of a concept a platformer built around ball physics and the process of speedrunning was at the time.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023
