Most people who have played Elden Ring are experiencing what I'd call a "honeymoon effect", in which they are so dazzled by it that they are uncapable of recognizing its many, MANY glaring, even colossal flaws (it does some things worse than Demon's Souls dear god).
That is to say, just as a normal honeymoon, I think in a few years many people will lose the pink colored glasses and stop holding it in such high regard.

After years of playing Fromsoft games, I gotta say, Elden Ring has been the straw that broke the camel's back; I no longer hold FromSoftware as good artists.
I wonder were is the studio that made Demon and Dark Souls, games so strange and innovative, so willing to take risks even if it meant not making good decisions, that revolutionazed the entire medium.
Even in their DS2-bloodborne-DS3 phase, which one would argue that they were too similar for their own good, you could find some consolation in the possible future; "I bet now that they have perfected this type of game Miyazaki will start experimenting again", oh, how hopelessly naive I was.

Now, after Sekiro, a game that while good still feels like another iteration on the same concept; Elden Ring, so reliant on a set of ideas that were alredy feeling repetitive in 2016 with DS3, so molded to fit modern videogame conventions that feels kind of insulting; and the announcement that their new game will be a sixth Armored Core, I'm sure that the risky and daring Fromsoft has been long dead.
And what is way worse, I'm beggining to think that maybe it never even existed.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023
