A massive improvement over kiwami 1 in most ways except combat. The story is engaging the entire way through with a bit of a messy ending. Kiryus character is on point here from his rivalry with Ryuji thats well build up from the start to finish with a lot of tension and his love story with Kaoru which is really sweet are far more fleshed out than anything 1 did with the side cast surrounding Kiryu. The combat however is downgraded from Kiwami 1 due to being based on yakuza 6's combat which is a downgrade from 0's. The lack of styles and less heat moves and variety in em. However but due to the better story, graphics, side content and music it makes yakuza 2 better than the first yakuza in both kiwami and PS2 form

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2021
