I don't get it. I really don't. It's boring and repetitive gameplay for 95% of it, with absolutely nothing happening and with nothing to even see, I didn't find it spooky at all, and the jumpscare at the end was so anticlimactic and ridiculous that I found it comedic rather than scary.

Maybe something just isn't clicking with me? Everyone seems to rave about this game and it's like watching everyone hype up a stale end slice of bread. You can eat it without issues, but... why would you want to?

1.5 stars because there's nothing mechanically wrong with it, but I don't understand this one. Check it out if you think it'll be your thing by all means, it's short (though not short enough for me) and cheap.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

Wish you'd gone into more details as this game definitely seemed overhyped but I don't get a sense for why that is. Is it even possible for a game to be repetitive when it's less than an hour lol?